Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Trash to Cash Toolkit Tip Sheet #1 :

#1 Consider the project of turning Trash to Cash a journey. I've learned that a journey begins when you see a difference from where you are to where you want to be or you don't like where you are now. Let's take a journey towards fewer items and more cash.

#2 Decide that you want to get started. Procrastination can be a problem for many of us. We think we'd like to do something and keep coming up with the personal dialogue to ourselves about"someday" and "I wish" and "when I finally have the time." Tony Mowbray of Australia said that his biggest fear in life was not getting started. Decide today to start the project.

#3 Have a goal for the project and a reason to start it. The goal can be small or large. The goal can about having space or money or both.

#4 Consider the space goals and the financial goals. Clutter takes up space. Space could be used for something else, something new, or just to have more room available. Let's consider the goal of having space in your garage. There are 65 million+ garages in America with more than 300 million items in them. If you'd like to park your car in the garage but it is overflowing with items and you can't fit anything else in it. You might want to consider tackling the garage as your first project.

The space goal might be for inside the house to make room for a desk or computer or even to empty out a whole room being used for storage so that the room can be used for living or guests visiting.

#5 If your goal is financial. Decide how much money you'd like to make and what you're willing to do in terms of time invested and money to make it. Do you want some extra money to pay for the heating bill or do you need enough to pay an upcoming college tuition bill. Do you want to supplement your income or create a full-time business? It's up to you, it's all possible.Please send me your questions about the financial aspects if you have them. I'd be happy to offer my feedback.

If you'd like more tips, keep checking for more BLOGS...and of course, send any questions to lori@trashtocashtoolkit.com!

Good luck on your journey.

Lori Wilk, MBA